Floyd McClung Scholarship Fund: Empowering African and Women Leaders

About this Fund:

*All proceeds from Floyd's books now go towards this scholarship fund!*

To celebrate and continue our legacy, we are establishing the perpetual Floyd McClung Scholarship Fund: Empowering African and Women Leaders. Two of All Nations' key strategic priorities are: Pioneering Leadership Development and Mobilizing Global South Workers. We are prioritizing the development and mobilization of a generation of African and women leaders to the neglected -- the least reached! I would like to invite you to prayerfully consider giving to this fund for All Nations to help us equip and send African and women leaders to the ends of the earth!

"Floyd had a heart to empower and equip African leaders to reach all of Africa and beyond, and to release women in their giftings and leadership. He would be thrilled about this scholarship fund -- it represents a fulfillment of his heart's desire in empowering future generations in all God has for them."
--Sally McClung, All Nations Co-Founder