Deploying African Workers to the Nations (DAWN)

You Can Help an African Worker Enter a Secure Country!

Would you take a minute to give a gift today that will train a disciple-maker to take the Gospel of the Kingdom into unreached areas -- using coffee?

Your investment today will be used to help raise up our African workers who want to expand the Kingdom. Each worker is trained in language, cross-cultural context, and becomes a barista who can obtain a visa and enter a closed-access country. With your help, they are reaching those that no one else is reaching. This Gospel has to go where the people are!

If you are able, I (Mary) would like to invite you to sow a generous gift into reaching the neglected where Jesus wants to be known using our African workers. I just came from personal visits in Uganda and Kenya to see first-hand how it is working and to talk with a test-pilot group of newly trained workers. I saw myself and am confident that this is a secret strategy door God has opened for All Nations at this key time in history! Would you share a gift today?

DAWN: Deploying African Workers to the Nations

Here's a few key costs so you can help sow with intentionality:

We need a DAWN manager for $500/month. We are registering our own placement company so that our people are strategically placed. Having our own manager will ensure the fees are appropriate and that bribery does not occur in the placements in vetted companies. To do all this we need a manager and we have one in mind.

Additional worker training costs we need your help to cover:
Soft skills training: $200
Barista training: $500
Second-hand coffee-machine: $3,000

Every gift also helps cast vision and gives our African men and women courage. We encourage others by sowing courage into their hearts. Your gift today encourage our workers to step into new opportunities by learning a new barista coffee-making skill. We want each worker to know his/her Heavenly Father sees each one as an adopted son or daughter -- no longer struggling to sustain life. When we raise people out of poverty, we partner with the father's heart of generosity.

Thank you for your generous gift today!

--Dr. Mary Ho
International Executive Leader
All Nations International